idea-expression dichotomy

The Freedom of Expression, the Constriction of Ideas

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Is it worth $1million dollars?

Was watching America's Got Talent recently and this amazing group made totally of family members called Celtic Spring came on, with tap dancing while playing the violin as their specialty. Make no mistake, these guys really were very talented. However, at the end, Pierce the judge commented that if they really wanted to win the million dollar prize, they should ditch their mum and dad and youngest kid brother, who were more of a side show than anything. If all sentimentality were cast aside, and one were thinking purely about how to package potential celebrities, Pierce would likely be right. From a performance point of view, they didn't appear to be strong enough and seemed to affect the tightness of the group as a whole.

But this seemingly innocuous comment riled the audience and was met with vehement rejection from the family. This really stuck in my mind. In a day and age when we deplore the loss of the family unit and identity in America, here is a family that says they would stick together as a family no matter what, even if it costs them the winning prize. They said "Our mum and dad are the backbone of the group...we love them." What was even more fascinating was to hear someone like David Hasselhoff, who might across as vain and perhaps less conservative than Pierce, make perhaps the most profound statement of the night, and perhaps even for the whole of the American society, "It's not worth the million dollars"... How true! It is rare enough to find a family that stays together, and here you have a gifted family that actually plays together and genuinely enjoys each others company. To break the family up, even if only in the performance sense and just to put on a show for the audience, just for that million dollars, was not even something to be considered as far as Celtic Spring were concerned. If we had a million more families like that in America, it would be the Godliest nation in the world.